

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Beyond The Valley: An interview with Alibaba CEO Daniel Zhang
The top exec at Alibaba explains “Singles Day,” describes his relationship with Jack Ma, and talks about why cloud computing will be the “main business” for the e-commerce giant in the future.

Alibaba sees strong sales as Singles' Day closes in on record


Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba's Singles' Day shopping frenzy is set to break records in its 11th year.


双十一购物狂欢节,Singles' Day shopping frenzy,frenzy表示“疯狂,狂热,狂暴”,英文解释为“(an example of) uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion that is sometimes violent”,如:an outbreak of patriotic frenzy 爱国狂热的迸发,举个🌰:

The audience worked/whipped themselves into a frenzy as they waited for her to come on stage.


类似的,CNN用的是:China's annual Singles Day online shopping bonanza has brought in a record $31 billion in sales for Alibaba.

其中,bonanza /bəˈnænzə/ 有“发财(或成功)的机遇;获利之道;发财的机会;鸿运”(a situation in which people can make a lot of money or be very successful),以及“繁荣;兴盛”(a large amount of something good)的含义,举个🌰:

The magazine will hold another fashion bonanza in the spring.


The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialized.


The world's biggest online shopping event raked in more than $30bn (210bn yuan; £23bn) in sales by late afternoon in China, closing in on last year's all-time-high of $30.8bn.

rake in

表示“轻易赚(很多钱);赚大钱”,英文解释为“to earn or get a large amount of money”举个🌰:

He rakes in over $200,000 a year.



表示“前所未有的,空前的”,英文解释为“An all-time high, low, best, etc. is the highest, lowest, best, etc. level that has ever been.”举个🌰:

After three years of drought, the water in the lake had reached an all-time low.


A gala featuring pop star Taylor Swift launched the 24-hour shopping blitz.


blitz /blɪts/ 表示“集中力量的行动;闪电式行动”,英文解释为“a lot of energetic activity”举个🌰:

The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.


It marked Alibaba's first Singles' Day since the exit of its colourful founder, Jack Ma. He was replaced as executive chairman by Daniel Zhang earlier this year after stepping down to focus on philanthropy and education.

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The firm said sales reached $1bn in a little over one minute of trading on Singles' Day.

"Based upon that first hour... I would be really surprised to not see it come in above $32bn," said Daniel Newman, technology analyst at Futurum Research.

But sales growth for the full 24-hour event, however, is unlikely to match that of 2018.

What is Singles' Day?

Alibaba invented the occasion to celebrate the unattached as an antithesis to the romantically involved on Valentine's Day.


此处表示“特殊场合;重大活动;盛会”,英文解释为“a special or formal event”举个🌰:

That party was quite an occasion - there were over a hundred people there.


It is now the world's biggest online sales event and last year's total sales exceeded Black Friday and Cyber Monday's sales combined.

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. It was created by retailers to encourage people to shop online. 网络星期一是美国感恩节假期后的一项常年促销项目,通常是零售业将营业额从赤字转变为黑字的时间,商家降价促销,尤其是网络商家,以刺激消费者购物需求。(Wikipedia)

Singles' Day is seen as an indicator of consumer sentiment in China and how willing shoppers are to spend.

Alibaba listing?

Over the years, Alibaba has grown from an online marketplace into an e-commerce giant with interests ranging from financial services to artificial intelligence.

The company - one of China's largest - is now valued at $480bn, according to Forbes. The firm is also eyeing a stock market listing in Hong Kong.

Reports suggest Alibaba - which is already listed in the US - may announce plans to proceed with a multi-billion dollar Hong Kong listing as early as this week.


名词表示“(表册上的)位置,项目”,英文解释为“a position or an item on a list”,此处即为“上市”的含义,举个🌰:

The company is seeking a stock exchange listing (= for trading shares).


list作动词也表示“使(公司)上市;(公司)上市”(If a company is listed, or if it lists, on a stock exchange, it obtains an official quotation for its shares so that people can buy and sell them.)举个🌰:

Last year, three new companies were listed on the Lahore stock exchange.


· listed company:a company whose shares can be traded on a country's main stock market 上市公司

· listed building:a building of great historical or artistic value that has official protection to prevent it from being changed or destroyed 列入文物保护范围的建筑,重点保护建筑(也可以说landmarked building)

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